About Thorndale Optimist Club
We are a service club based in Thorndale Ontario. We serve our local community by providing opportunities for youth and children to be the best people they can be. From building playgrounds to providing safety training, the Thorndale Optimists are dedicated to making our community a better place.
Some of the things we have done in Thorndale include:
- Running youth and kids Soccer and Baseball in Thorndale
- Library reading programs including the Children’s reading program, and the Middlesex early years centre.
- Building playgrounds and play equipment
- Donating to Girl Guides, Brownies, Sparks, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
- Sponsoring the 4H club
- Running annual events for children for Christmas, Halloween and the Easter egg hunt
- River safety program
- Annual Bike rodeo (safety program)
- Ringette club
We also donate to local and national charities including:
- Cancer Society
- Muscular Dystrophy Assoc.
- Arthritis Society –
- Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario –
- Sunshine Foundation –
- Heart & Stroke Foundation –
- Multiple Sclerosis –
- Salvation Army Food Bank –
- CNIB –
- VON –
- Chrohns & Colitis –
- Make-A-Wish Foundation –
- Ronald McDonald House
- The City Arts Centre Activities Centre
The centre is a drop in Studio and gallery for Self-Identified, Self-Responsible, Self-Directed adults and youth of all ages who face mental health challenges.